

This is the best Fingerface art we have so far. We used it for my tenth birthday. You can see it says "Happy Birthday, Jeffy!", but it doesn't wish me a happy birthday AT ALL. It represents how I draw Fingerface in cartoons, not his real form. Anyway, I gave it 4 1/2 stars.


The c lay 2-D Fingerface was given 3 stars by yours truly. (me). I think it was made by Aimee, creator of itshandface.weebly.com, but I'm not 100% sure. This fingerface also represents a cartoon version of Fingerface, except without any eyes. He has been nicknamed Shadowface for his mysterious physique.

Green Shortlipface

This Fingerface was given 2 stars because of you-know-what. it was the fingerface made by my friend, Gus. All it really is is a fingerface that was made from a green, rectangular block of  c lay, and pinched at the top to make a "shortlip" for him.